We all know that sometimes finding the best job takes time. There are periods in life when because of certain reasons you can’t find the workplace we fit the best. However, one day when you …
Every once in a while, you will feel stuck in a relationship if it goes on for too long. Does that feeling mean that it’s time to end things or is it just a temporary …
Everything is going well with your partner, you’re having a good time, and suddenly you get really disgusted by the way he pronounces a certain word and now you’re suddenly completely turned off? Once “the …
You want to make your own scented candles, but you don’t know where to start? Well, this is your lucky day. We will teach you all the magic of it and soon you will find …
You might have seen in someone’s profile description on social media acronyms like ESTJ or ISFJ and you probably wondered what could that mean. The Myers-Briggs test, also known as the 16 personalities test, has …
Have you noticed a pattern in all your relationships resulting in the same negative outcome each time? Have you wished to finally break the vicious cycle? Well, it’s time to learn all about attachment styles.
Self-confidence is one of the signs of good mental health but, unfortunately, there are many factors that prevent us from valuing ourselves. Most people nowadays suffer from the “never good enough” syndrome, meaning that no …
Do you often find yourself in a situation when you’ve agreed to do something you actually didn’t want to do, and now you hate yourself and the person who asked you to do the thing? …
Do you constantly need to drink coffee throughout the day to get yourself going? Feeling tired all the time is not necessarily a symptom of a health issue – as a matter of fact, most …