Home decor

Guide to Choosing Curtains that Match your Style


Drapes and window curtains are something that has the power to instantly enhance the look of a room and bring a feel of luxury, and whose power you should never underestimate.

They set the mood of the atmosphere, besides providing the necessary feeling of privacy and comfort.

There are various types of curtains to choose from, as well as various ways to make a mistake when you don’t know the most important things to consider.

This article will tell you what they are so that you go and make a great choice for your home décor.

How to Enhance your Interior with the Right Curtains

Paying attention to the choice of curtains is important, especially when it comes to the living room or the bedroom, as their function is quite key in these rooms.

We’ve gathered some advice shared by professional designers and decorators to help you choose from the many possibilities available and make a decision that best matches your own needs and tastes.

Think about the Fabric

Curtains in the bedroom

Practicality is the first thing to pay attention to when choosing drapes or curtains. Consider the level of privacy and darkness you need inside the room.

If it’s a bedroom, you might want to consider a thicker fabric that lets in as little light as possible, while for the living room, you could choose even a semi-transparent textile to create a feeling of lightness and spaciousness inside the room.

Keep in mind that the thickness of the fabric also has to do with the style of the room.

Heavier fabrics suit a more classic interior design style, while lighter ones are great for contemporary minimalism.

What is the Right Length

Curtains come in various standard sizes which you can choose from but you can also order custom-tailored drapes to fit your windows perfectly if you have larger windows for example.

The natural thing to do is to get curtains that hang just a few inches below the lower window frame but it’s worth considering getting curtains that hang all the way to the floor if you want to elevate the look of your home interior.

For a more extraordinary look, you can also get draperies that are a few inches longer, which will let the fabric create elegant flowing shapes on the floor.

Attaching the curtains to the ceiling rather than just above the upper window frame will make the windows look taller and give more spaciousness to the room.

Match the Color Correctly

Curtains matching the colors of the room

There are a few different approaches when it comes to choosing the color of your window draperies. You can either make them an accent piece and make a statement, or you can match them to the color of the rest of the furniture.

That means they can either be in harmony or in contrast with the general color palette of your interior.

If you favor minimalism, you can choose curtains with a color that resembles the nuances on the walls.

Should you Choose Solid Colored or Printed

Solid colored curtains

Patterned drapery can add a lot of life to a room and brighten the space up. It can also create a sense of style in a room that is otherwise plainly furnished.

If your room’s interior favors minimalism, then you can spice things up by attaching curtains with an extraordinary pattern that pops up, such as exotic plants and birds or a more subtle geometric pattern.

On the other hand, if you want the curtains to be barely there, a neutral solid color will do a great job and still be stylish if it’s matching the color scheme of the rest of the room.

If the room is heavily decorated and includes a mix and match of many textures and colors, then it’s better to keep the curtains in a plain solid color.

Consider Matching Accessories

Letting the curtains set the tone of the room and then choosing other home décor elements based on the style of the draperies is a great way to create coherency in a home interior.

After you choose the pattern or the color of the textile, go shopping for some cushions, wall hangings, rugs, and other interior textiles that in a way match the curtains.

They might be differently colored or patterned, but keeping a coherent style is key if you want to bring style to your room.

Maybe Add Lining

To get the maximum functionality that curtains offer, get curtains with lining to provide a better sense of privacy for windows receiving bright direct sunlight.

This is a good option for bedroom curtains as it makes the room darker, allowing you to fall to sleep more easily.

Combining thick curtains with semi-transparent ones is also a good way to have more control over the amount of sunlight that gets in throughout the day and it also adds a touch of elegance.

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