
Are your standards for a partner too high?

A couple holding hands

We all have a picture in our minds of the perfect partner – someone who is kind, charming, exceptionally attractive, and checks off every item on our list. Maybe he’s financially secure, consistently entertaining, and always knows how to bring a smile to your face.

But let’s take a step back and consider: is this dream partner truly realistic? While it’s essential to have standards, sometimes our ‘perfect partner’ checklist can become a bit too fantastical.

When this happens, we might overlook some amazing people who, although not meeting every criterion, are still wonderful in their own unique ways.

So, is it time to reassess your standards?

Here are eight expectations that might indicate your standards are a bit too high.

1. The quest for financial perfection

A rich guy

Let’s start with a major expectation – financial success. Dreaming of a partner who not only charms you but also brings in a substantial income is a common fantasy.

Financial security is undoubtedly appealing and can provide a certain level of comfort. However, this aspiration comes with its own set of complications.

I once heard a story from a friend about her relationship with a high-earning partner. On the surface, he seemed perfect with his financial stability.

Yet, they constantly disagreed on spending and saving, which led to frequent disputes. Additionally, his demanding job meant they rarely had quality time together, causing a strain on their relationship.

It’s not that dating someone with a high income is inherently bad. The key is to recognize that a large salary doesn’t automatically ensure a successful relationship. What truly matters is finding someone who shares your financial values and priorities.

Instead of focusing solely on income, look for a partner who is financially responsible, aligns with your monetary values, and is generous with both time and affection. This shift in perspective might help you find the man of your dreams.

2. Pursuing physical perfection

When I was younger, I imagined my future partner to have model-like looks – someone who could easily grace the cover of a magazine. As I’ve matured, I’ve come to understand that while physical attraction is important, it’s not the foundation of a lasting relationship.

Certainly, there needs to be a level of physical appeal, but expecting your partner to look like a Hollywood star is setting an unrealistic standard.

Moreover, physical appearances change over time. You might find someone who looks like a celebrity now, but as the years pass, you’ll see how little those looks matter.

What’s truly important? Consider these aspects:

  • Mutual Hobbies: Enjoying similar activities or pastimes can create many memorable moments together;
  • Intellectual Rapport: Engaging in profound, thoughtful discussions can form a captivating mental bond;
  • Emotional Bond: Feeling recognized and appreciated is essential for an emotional connection, turning a relationship into a lasting commitment;
  • Shared Values and Aspirations: Aligning ambitions and principles is crucial for progressing towards a common future.

While good looks might initially attract you, it’s these deeper qualities that make a relationship fulfilling.

3. Master of all skills

Do you envision a partner who can:

  • Repair a broken appliance…
  • Prepare exquisite dinners…
  • Play you a tune on the piano…
  • Compose touching letters…
  • Stay updated with the latest fashion…
  • Offer emotional support as a personal counselor?

Expecting one person to excel in all these areas is a bit unrealistic, don’t you think?

If you do find such a person, that’s fantastic.

But here’s the truth: it’s not essential. Having a partner who can do everything might sound wonderful, but it can also place a lot of pressure on him to continually prove himself.

Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses.

For instance, my friend’s husband can’t cook to save his life and knows nothing about fashion. Yet, he’s an incredible listener and always knows how to fix things around the house.

Instead of searching for a partner who can do it all, look for someone who is willing to grow, learn, and work as a team. That’s the real deal!

4. Nonstop romance

Romantic moment of a couple

Who can resist extravagant romantic displays? Think surprise trips, dinners by candlelight, or unexpected presents that make you feel like a star in a love story.

However, reality isn’t a film, and constantly anticipating such romance can lead to letdowns.

A friend once dated someone who started with impressive gestures, but as their relationship grew, these displays became rare. Initially, she was disappointed, but then she came to appreciate that their simple moments of shared joy and support were equally significant.

So, let go of the need for nonstop romance. Value the small, daily instances of connection. A shared laugh, a warm embrace, or a sweet message can be just as meaningful in expressing love and care.

5. Always available

Just as it’s unrealistic to expect a partner to always be romantic, it’s also too much to expect him to be available at your beck and call.

Thinking that your partner should respond to every text immediately or spend all his free time with you is setting the bar too high. Everyone has various roles to play—careers, friendships, family ties, and personal interests—and it’s vital to maintain these while in a relationship. Appreciate a partner who manages to balance his responsibilities and still makes meaningful, quality time for you.

A balanced lifestyle is key to a healthy, happy relationship.

6. Social perfection

Do you envision your partner as the ultimate social dynamo? Someone who effortlessly captivates everyone, makes friends easily, and always has the perfect thing to say?

While such traits can certainly enhance social events, it’s important to remember that not everyone is a natural extrovert or a flawless conversationalist. Even the most sociable individuals have off days.

Furthermore, charm doesn’t always equate to sincerity—think of how deceptive charm can be, like that of a con artist.

Instead, it’s more worthwhile to focus on substantial qualities:

Consider how respectful he is—does he treat others with kindness and consideration? This is a far better indicator of character than the ability to win over a crowd.

Next, think about his comfort level in social settings. He doesn’t need to be the center of attention, just at ease enough to participate without undue stress.

Also, reflect on his genuine interest in others. Does he listen and show empathy? This ability to connect is crucial for building strong relationships.

Ultimately, the most important thing is how he interacts with you and those around him. Meaningful conversations and mutual respect far outweigh the appeal of a sparkling social presence.

7. Constant protection

Some people dream of a partner who’s always there to protect and rescue them. It’s great to have someone who’s got your back.

However, it’s equally important to have a partner who trusts you to handle things on your own.

One of the things I value most in my partner is his faith in my abilities. He’s there whenever I need him but also believes in my capacity to figure things out and take care of myself. So, I get the best of both worlds – independence and support!

After all, we are capable and strong, with or without someone constantly reminding us of that.

8. Mind-reading

At some point, we’ve all wished our partners could read our minds – plan the perfect date, know exactly what we want, or understand our silent signals…

But here’s the reality: men are not mind readers (unless they truly have that rare gift). So, expecting them to know our thoughts without clear communication is unrealistic!

Good communication will always outshine guessing games. Be upfront about what you want, and if he’s open to listening and understanding, then you’ve found a keeper.

Final thoughts

How did your checklist measure up? Is it time to make some adjustments?

Remember, it’s not about lowering your standards or settling for less.

It’s about distinguishing between the idealized versions we see in movies and books and the real, tangible qualities that build a strong, healthy relationship.

In the end, it’s not the perfection of a man that matters, but his authenticity, his values, his character, and how he treats you.

And believe it or not, there’s a certain charm in embracing the imperfections. After all, that’s what makes love real.

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