Oh, no! Your period is here again. Every month we, women go through these tough moments and every month we have to fight with the pain and the discomfort. We have no choice. But maybe we do.
It’s absolutely normal to want to curl up on the couch with a heating pad and a bowl of ice cream during your period, but did you know that staying active can actually help alleviate some of these symptoms?
For many girls and women, menstruation is often accompanied by discomfort, cramps, and mood swings, but it doesn’t have to be always like that. Just a few women decide to get out of bed and do some exercises that will help them to manage the pain.
This is not idle talk, but a proven way to ease the pain. Movement can relax cramps and spasms in the ovarian area and give you energy to get through the most unpleasant days of the month.
It’s high time to give it a try and start doing exercises that will help you to release the pain.
In the following text, we will give you a great suggestion about some exercises that are appropriate to do during your menstruation. We present you with some beneficial ideas on how to stay active during your period.
Choose low-impact activities
The first days of your period could be hard and we all know that the pain can ruin our mood. Despite the pain, you can try to move around and practice some low-impact activities.
One of the main reasons to choose low-impact activities during your period is to avoid exacerbating any cramps or abdominal pain you may be experiencing.
High-impact activities, such as running or jumping, can put additional pressure on your pelvic area and may increase the intensity of your cramps. Here is a list of some low-impact activities that are appropriate to practice during your period:
Yoga is an easy and calm practice that connects the body and the mind and helps both to relax. Yoga improves circulation and relieves pain which will make you feel relaxed.
With Pilates, you can strengthen your core and increase your flexibility without putting too much strain on your body.
Practicing stretching exercises during your period is a great way to relieve muscle tension and reduce cramps. Doing this you will manage the pain and will be ready to hit the world even during these days of the month.
Lastly, choosing low-impact activities during your period allows you to listen to your body and give it the rest it needs. Your period is a natural part of your menstrual cycle and can be physically and emotionally demanding.
Engaging in low-impact activities allows you to honor your body’s needs and give yourself the care and attention necessary during this time.
Listen to your body and stay hydrated
When you’re on your period, your energy levels and comfort may vary. Make sure to adjust your workout based on how you feel.
Choosing low-impact activities during your period allows you to listen to your body and give it the rest it needs. Your period is a natural part of your menstrual cycle and can be physically and emotionally demanding.
Engaging in low-impact activities allows you to honor your body’s needs and give yourself the care and attention necessary during this time. It’s very important to stay hydrated and to choose good nutrition that will help your body to increase energy levels.
The benefits of exercising during your period
The list of the benefits of exercising during menstruation is very long. While many people may feel inclined to skip their workouts during this time, research shows that getting active can actually help alleviate menstrual symptoms and improve your mood.
As you already know this is a great way to reduce the pain and help the body charge with more energy. This will make you feel less fatigued during your period. Here is a list of some more reasons why you should go for low-impact activities during your period:
Improved blood flow
Physical activity can enhance blood circulation, which may help alleviate bloating and reduce the duration of your period. This also stimulates blood flow and releases endorphins, which act as natural pain relief.
Regulate hormone levels
Regular exercise during your period can also help regulate your hormone levels and alleviate symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Physical activity boosts the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that reduces anxiety and depression as well as boosts mood.
Reduced stress
By doing some exercises you can manage the emotional swing you are going through. Working out even for a short time will help you to release the stress and feel calmer during your period.
It is important to note that each individual may have different capabilities and comfort levels when it comes to exercising during their period. It is advisable to listen to your body and adjust your workout routines accordingly.